Grieve Not !

no matter what barriers stand in your way, never lose sight of your goal..


" Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya kehidupan dunia itu hanyalah permainan dan senda gurauan, perhiasan dan saling berbangga di antara kamu serta berlomba dalam kekayaan dan anak keturunan, seperti hujan yg tanam-tanamannya mengagumkan para petani; kemudian tanaman itu menjadi kering dan kamu lihat warnanya kuning kemudian hancur. Dan di akhirat ada azab yg keras dan ampunan dr Allah serta keridaan-Nya. Dan kehidupan dunia tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan yg palsu " (Al Hadid : 20)

  • is full of suprises...

  • is a great gift from The Almighty..

  • is unexpected..

  • is not exactly what we dreamed..

  • is a journey..

  • is time to struggle for the next life (maut)

  • is ups and downs..

  • is dealing wit people and nature..

  • is teaching you about patient, give and take..

  • is fulfill wit love..

  • is priceless..

  • is not juz money, victory and happiness..

  • is not about adding ages..

  • is actually need a commitment..(51:56 , 2:30)

  • needs a strong belief in God..

  • has its own purpose..(51:56 , 2:30)

people wit no humanity is not a human...

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